April 2, 2013

Don't Forget the Advanced Editor Sharing Settings in Google Drive!

When giving editing rights to collaborators in Google Drive, consider what permissions you want them to have.

It's easy to share a Google document, spreadsheet or presentation with colleagues and give them editing rights. But allowing colleagues to edit your document means they also have the ability to share the document with more people or change the permissions you set for others. Let's face it, if it's your document do you want fellow editors to have this power?
 Here's a simple tip to change your sharing settings:

  • In Google Drive, open the document you want to share and click the blue Share button located at the top right of the page. 
  • The Sharing settings box will appear. Click the Change link located at the bottom of the box. 

  • You will now see the advanced editor sharing settings box (below image) where you can change the default setting: Editors are allowed to add people and change permissions.
  • Change the setting to: Only the owner can change permissions.

With this setting in place you, as the owner, you are in control of your document - nobody else can change permissions or add more collaborators. Certainly worth considering, and something that is easy to miss when sharing in Google Apps.