Leaving UCSC? Changing Positions? Take a look at the Google Apps Offboarding Process for recommendations.
Leaving UCSC
Once someone leaves the university and their UCSC account is closed, the UCSC Google Apps (email, calendars, documents, sites, groups) that belong to that person may not be accessible to others.
Changing Positions
As long as a person's UCSC account remains open, they will continue to have access to your Google documents and calendars you've shared with them unless you change your sharing settings. This includes retirees and emeriti who decide to keep their UCSC account, students who get to keep their UCSC account for 12 months after they graduate, and to employees who are changing positions and transferring to a different department within UCSC.
For more details and instructions, visit: http://its.ucsc.edu/google/offboarding.html