January 11, 2019

Create a Google Calendar Event From Gmail

Since Gmail and Google Calendar are closely integrated applications, it is possible to easily create a calendar event based on information from an email while on the Gmail website or mobile app. 
How to: Create a Google Calendar Event From an Email in a Browser

1. Navigate to Gmail's toolbar and click the More button to see a drop down list of options.

2. Select Create event, which will open up Google Calendar in a new tab.

3. Google Calendar will automatically transfer the subject line of the email to be the name of the event. Additionally, the description area will contain the contents from the body of the email. Emails of parties involved in the email exchange will be added to the event as Guests. 

4. Following this, you can edit the remaining fields and save the event. 

How to: Automatically Add Gmail Events to Google Calendar Using a Mobile App

1.  On the Google Calendar app, expand the Menu icon and tap Settings

2. Tap Events from Gmail

3. Switch on the option to Add events from Gmail.

Now, when you receive emails about events, the information will be automatically added to your calendar. 

For any questions, check out Calendar Help or Gmail Help.